audio diary


This is a personal audio diary. Episodes of my life told with music. 

ERSS (Earth Rotation Sickness Syndrome)


Earth Rotation Sickness Syndrome

Definition: Awareness of the absurdity and irrelevance of life accompanied by an inner feeling of uselessness.

Symptoms: Dizziness, Anxiety, Fatigue, Boredom

Description: It feels like you are actually the Earth, turning around yourself, circling the sun, floating within the gravity fields of Milky Way. Somewhere always unfamiliar. Drifting through space with no control, no destination and a trillion perils awaiting to wipe you out.

Cure: Try anything at least once. Do not resist temptations. Don’t say “no”.

Instructions: Use #ERSS and #EarthRotationSicknessSyndrome for your notification of sickness. Make everyone aware of your inability to participate in other people’s and/or your own life.

Stefan Lerche