audio diary


This is a personal audio diary. Episodes of my life told with music. 

ERES (Earth Rotation Excitement Syndrome)


Earth Rotation Excitement Syndrome

Definition: Awareness of the absurdity and irrelevance of life accompanied by an inner feeling of strange excitement.

Symptoms: Euphoria, Infatuation, Athanasia, Childlike Innocence

Description: It feels like you are actually the Earth, turning around yourself, circling the sun, floating within the gravity fields of Milky Way. Somewhere always unfamiliar. Drifting through space with no control: deeply enjoying it - like a roller coaster ride.

Cure: Not needed but try to say “no” from time to time.

Instructions: Use #ERES and #EarthRotationExcitementSyndrome for your notification of sickness.
Make everyone aware that you are on a high at the moment and invite them to join as long as it lasts.


Stefan Lerche